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English-Hindi > in an elaborate way

in an elaborate way meaning in Hindi

in an elaborate way sentence in Hindi
सुपरिष्कृत रूप से
in    अंदर का सत्तारूढ़
an    एक
elaborate    विस्तार में कहना
way    अयन मार्ग उन्नति
1.He endeavored in an elaborate way to reconstruct and explain the ancient Japanese history according to his interpretation of the Bible and its sacred history.

2.As a result, they are at various times captured, tortured, left to die in an elaborate way in an Egyptian tomb, and otherwise thwarted by Alexander throughout the film.

How to say in an elaborate way in Hindi and what is the meaning of in an elaborate way in Hindi? in an elaborate way Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.